Receiving a diagnosis of unexplained infertility can be frustrating and confusing for a couple trying to conceive. Fortunately, however, there are other options out there.
Unexplained Infertility Overview
Unexplained infertility is thought to be somewhat controversial by a discernible percentage of medical professionals and fertility specialists. There are those who truly maintain that a couple’s inability to conceive cannot be traced to any specific underlying issue. However, others believe the problem can be explained but simply hasn’t been identified yet.
Needless to say, the diagnosis might be considered acceptable, provided the female partner ovulates on a normal schedule, her ovarian reserves are found to be good, her fallopian tubes are healthy and unobstructed, and the rest of her reproductive system appears to be in optimal functioning order. In male partners, an unexplained infertility diagnosis will not be rendered if his sperm count, motility, and shape all meet normal counts and measures.
Potential Explanations
Healthcare providers and medical researchers caution that unexplained infertility is not a suggestion that a couple’s conception struggles are beyond the bounds of scientific explanation. Typically, the underlying reason is some issue that is not easy to diagnose and might require significant evaluation. Industry professionals maintain the condition could be the result of several factors, including:
Egg Quality
Sometimes, initial examinations of a woman’s reproductive tract do not reveal possible defects in egg quality. Determining the strength and vitality of one’s eggs might necessitate the involvement of more aggressive fertility treatments.
Occasionally, the inability to conceive may be traced to diet. Nutrients like folic acid, vitamin B12, and omega-3 fatty acids prove crucial to the health of a woman’s reproductive tract. In men, an excessive intake of trans and unsaturated fats has been linked to poor fertility rates.
Maintaining a normal weight is considered a critical aspect of optimal fertility. The bodies of obese women are said to contain heightened concentrations of chemicals known as adipokines, which are believed to inhibit fertility. That said, being too underweight ultimately causes the body to reduce estrogen production. Estrogen is the primary female reproductive hormone and plays a significant role in the conception process.
Underlying Health Issues
Many people know that major autoimmune diseases can exert an adverse impact on the reproductive system. That said, even less severe conditions can precipitate seriously negative impacts on conception.
Though sometimes overlooked, chronic exposure to high-stress levels can significantly threaten fertility levels. Continual tension yields increased systemic production and secretion of stress hormones, which can inhibit the performance of sexual and reproductive hormones. Such events can have a lasting impact upon the conception process.
Additionally, excessive stress is thought to adversely impact one’s mental health and sleep patterns. Either of these issues could decrease fertility capacity.
Possible Treatment Options
There is no one surefire method of treating unexplained infertility. To formulate a viable therapeutic protocol, medical investigators must identify the problem’s root causes. That said, impacted couples are advised to adhere to the following suggestions:
Control Stress
Stress management is an integral treatment component. Incorporating ways to relieve stress in daily life will help the body maintain proper hormonal balances, keep the immune system strong, and promote mental clarity. Stress-management techniques include breathing exercises, physical activity, and participation in some type of productive but relaxing hobby.
Practice Good Health Habits
As issues like diet could significantly factor into an unexplained infertility diagnosis, adhering to optimal health habits often prove critical to overcoming the ailment. Impacted subjects are encouraged to consume a healthy diet and avoid potentially detrimental vices such as cigarette smoking and excessive alcohol intake.
Demonstrate Persistence
Though easier said than done, numerous fertility specialists urge couples struggling with infertility to keep trying and not allow the stress of the circumstances to disrupt their love for one another or turn sex into an arduous chore.
Fertility Treatments
Some couples benefit from therapies like in-vitro fertilization and other types of scientific fertility treatments. Such efforts might prove especially beneficial for couples over age 35.