Are you one of the more than one-fifth of the population that is struggling with infertility? A fertility cleanse may be just what you are looking for.
Infertility is a huge problem in the United States. In fact, it is estimated that one out of every five couples will struggle with conceiving. After thousands of dollars and many tears, some turn to alternative methods to fight their fertility battles. One such method is the fertility cleanse. It is becoming more popular due to its impressive success rates. Do these cleanses really work?
What Defines Infertility
When a couple has tried for a year or more to conceive with no luck, they are considered infertile. Oftentimes, there is no explanation for why a couple cannot have a child. The days, weeks and hours searching for answers can be pure torture. Many exhaust the methods of modern medicine and look to holistic approaches to help. The need for a child and a ticking biological clock can send nerves into overdrive.
A Bodily Cleanse May Help Infertility
Truth: You Can Get Pregnant from Doing a Cleanse
One of the claims behind this holistic cleanse is that it flushed impurities and allows the women to conceive. Actually, this is true. One thing to keep in mind is there are no guarantees of anything in life. There are numerous testimonies of women who tried everything else, but when they used a cleanse, it worked. There is really very little research behind these methods. However, one thing there is plenty of research on is infertility and its links to toxins and poisons in the body. It can’t hurt to give this method a try.
Myth: You Basically Starve Yourself During the Fertility Cleanse
If you are known to devour cheeseburgers, French fries and soda for dinner, then you may think you are starving during the cleanse. In actuality, you are focusing on eating healthy for a period of three to five days. Also, included is the ingestion of vitamin supplements, too. It is a proven fact that a body lacking in nutrients will have problems conceiving. Cutting out caffeine, sugars, red meat, gluten and alcoholic beverages is hard for some, but eating healthy brings great rewards.
Truth: Herbal Supplements Can Be Dangerous
Many people believe that herbal supplements are safe because they are all natural. While some of that is true, there is always that gray area. First, herbs can interact with medications. If you are taking any medications at all, always talk to your doctor before adding any supplements. Also, some herbs can be very powerful and strong. Remember prescription medications like opiates come from herbal plants, too.
Myth: The Cleanse Can Take Care of Most Infertility Issues
Sadly, a cleanse cannot solve all infertility problems. The people that benefit from these the most are those that have undefined infertility. If the body has a specific issue, like cysts, cancer, endometriosis and deformed reproductive organs; the cleanse cannot work miracles. It is a nice theory to think that eating right and taking vitamins can help with everything, but in fact, there are many things that healthy eating cannot trump.
If you are fighting with infertility and you have been told they cannot find the exact reason, it may be that you need to flush your system. The great thing about this cleanse is that they incorporate things into your body that it already needs. Everyone needs to eat right and vitamins are good for your body. If you have tried everything else and still have had no luck, a cleanse may be just what you need.