Infertility can be the cause of many disappointments when you are trying to conceive. One in every seven couples who are trying to have a baby are unable to accomplish conception within the first year of trying. The chances of conception are only about 20 to 25 percent each month, so what tips are there that can help you increase fertility and improve your success rate?
Optimal Weight
If you are not within the optimum weight range for your height, it may be a factor that affects your fertility levels. Both being overweight and underweight can reduce the chance of conceiving. It is important for both partners to keep within healthy weight limits to increase the chances of having a baby. Getting your weight under control is a much cheaper solution than infertility treatments that may not be needed.
Regular exercise will help increase your fertility, but straining yourself can have the opposite effect. Intense workouts that occur on a daily basis can prevent your body from ovulating. Make sure to keep your routine at a moderate level that will keep you healthy. Keeping up an exercise routine will not only help you conceive, it will help prepare your body for the strains of being pregnant as well as get your muscles ready for labor and delivery.
Reduce Stress
When you are trying to conceive, you need to relax. This can be difficult with the emotional roller coaster that comes with trying to conceive a child, but reducing the stress in your life will help increase your fertility. Pamper yourself with regular massages, take a yoga class, or experiment with relaxing acupuncture treatments to try and relax. Simple things around the home can also put you in a relaxing state like listening to music or gardening. Make sure to spend time with your significant other, as this is an intimate journey you are making together.
Get Enough Sleep
Sleep is needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but it also plays an important part in the conception of a child. Studies have revealed that women with low levels of melatonin and serotonin often display more difficulty conceiving. This is because the period of time between ovulation and menstruation is shorter, so make sure to sleep in a dark environment to raise those imperative hormone levels. Adequate sleep will leave you feeling rested. Being awake and tired on a daily basis could be a sign that extra sleep is required, so consider going to bed earlier at night or taking a revitalizing nap during the day.
Fertility Diet
Your diet is important when it comes to conceiving a child because you need certain levels of healthy fat and protein to produce the hormones your body needs. Healthy fats can be obtained from coconut oil, olive oil, butter, eggs, avocados and nuts. Make sure to eat enough protein as well as get the vitamins and minerals your body needs from vegetables, especially leafy greens. Remove all grains and processed foods in favor of organic options that provide better nutritional value overall. Also, try to lower your sugar and starch intake.
Vitamins and Supplements
Vitamin D, vitamin C, folic acid, zinc, selenium, and B vitamins are all essential to your body, but especially when you are trying to conceive a baby. Consult your doctor to see if any of these vitamins are lacking in your system and find out what can be taken to supplement the vitamins you are already receiving.
Stop Bad Habits
Habits like smoking and drinking alcohol can cause complications during the pregnancy, but it can also be the cause of not being able to conceive. A healthy lifestyle means stopping this type of behavior so that your unborn child can be born healthy. If you are taking any prescription medication, discuss it with your doctor to make sure it is safe for the baby. Another factor that is not often considered is caffeine. Studies have shown that women who drink more than two cups of coffee a day are often slow to conceive.
Limit Chemical Exposure
Chemical exposure is one thing you may not consider as something that can hinder your fertility, but toxins can be found in cleaning supplies and makeup that are lying around your house. Another toxin that should be avoided when you are trying to conceive is toxoplasmosis. This toxin is found in cat feces and it is a rare infection that can be passed onto your unborn child. If you have a cat, have other people handle cleaning the litter box. Infertility can be a terrible struggle that is both agonizing and heart-wrenching, but there are ways to increase your chances of having a baby. The fertility tips listed above will help you on your path to conception. Medical fertility treatment is an option, but often times these simple lifestyle changes make the world of difference.