Adding foods that are high in nutrients and vitamins to your diet may help with your fertility. One food in particular that may help is pumpkin seeds. Pumpkins have numerous health benefits, especially when it comes to fertility. Their seeds are packed with the fertility-friendly mineral zinc.
How Pumpkin Seeds May Help Women
Zinc is very important when it comes to fertility. Zinc helps the body to fight off germs. It is also essential in helping babies develop properly to help the body build proteins and DNA. One ounce of pumpkin seeds contains about 2 mg of zinc. In women, zinc helps the body to utilize reproductive hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone. If a woman has low levels of zinc it can lead to menstrual irregularity and abnormal egg development. If a woman’s zinc is low, protein metabolism may be inhibited, which may result in lower egg quality. Research shows that zinc is commonly depleted within women who have been on the oral contraceptive pill. Pumpkin seeds can help to bring a woman’s zinc levels back up.
How Pumpkin Seeds May Help Men
Zinc has been shown to help increase testosterone and sperm count within men. Research shows that zinc can also help make sperm faster swimmers and more lively, which can help with the conception process. They also contain phytosterols, which is a protective compound that can help shrink an enlarged prostate and improve sperm production. Prostate problems can impact fertility. The prostate gland is responsible to create prostate fluid, which is important for ejaculation.
Nutritional Value
Pumpkin seeds are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, which help to improve sexual function and stimulate blood flow to sexual organs.
They also contain sterols which can help to lower cholesterol.
Vitamin K can be found within the seeds, which helps with blood clotting and bone strength.
There is 37 percent of the recommended daily intake of magnesium within these little seeds, as well. Magnesium is a nutrient that helps to control blood pressure, regulate muscle and nerve function, and helps to create cells.
Lastly, they hold 23 percent of the recommended daily intake of iron. Iron helps to transport oxygen from the respiratory system to all of the organs within the body through the blood. This is vital for helping with the creation of certain hormones and tissue.
Seed Cycling
Seed cycling is a natural approach to balance the level of progesterone and estrogen within the body. This process provides a completely natural approach to help regulate your menstrual cycle and increase your fertility. The cycle uses the phases of the moon as its guide. The process uses flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, and sunflower seeds within your diet at different points to help balance hormones. This process is not just for women, but men can utilize the benefits from it as well.