If you and your significant other are excited about the prospect of welcoming a new baby into the world, you are not alone. In fact, you may find yourself trying to conceive all the time! Fortunately, you can do a few simple things to help you get pregnant faster. Below, you will find the top five tips for speeding up conception, bringing you closer to your bundle of joy.
#1: Schedule a Preconception Visit with Your Gynecologist
Making a baby is one of the most natural things in the world, but it seems to happen more frequently when the couples’ bodies are up for the task. A preconception checkup for women includes a general physical health check and perhaps even bloodwork to check for the right levels of certain minerals in your blood. In many cases, your gynecologist may offer you prenatal vitamins, which are rich in important compounds, if you are trying to conceive. Men may also benefit from such testing, particularly if you have been trying to conceive for six months or more. Most of the time, the physician will ask for a sperm sample for analysis under a microscope. This will tell you whether there is enough sperm, and even whether the existing sperm are healthy. If anything seems amiss, do not worry. There are things men can do to improve their sperm quality.
#2: Discover Your Ovulation Date
Although most people enjoy the act of trying to conceive a baby, it may put your mind at ease to know precisely when your ovaries release the all-important egg into your fallopian tubes. Although finding out when you ovulate was once anything but an exact science, these days you can often pinpoint the timeframe down to just a few hours. You ovulate only once each menstrual cycle, so it is important to time things just right if you want to have a baby. The best way to discover your ovulation date is to keep track of your menstrual cycles and purchase an ovulation monitor. Several are available over the counter at your local pharmacy and they work much like pregnancy tests. All you have to do is urinate on the test stick and allow the monitor to check for fluctuations in hormones, which indicate your most fertile days.
#3: Have Sex on Your Most Fertile Days
#4: Create Super Sperm
Men can also do a few things to set the stage for powerful swimmers. Science shows that conception occurs readily when sperm are plentiful, healthy and strong. In fact, tobacco and recreational drugs can affect the motility, or the movement, of sperm. Alcohol on a regular basis may reduce the levels of testosterone in the body, affecting sperm count and raising the number of abnormal sperm. Avoiding unhealthy habits can certainly improve sperm count and quality, but so can a few changes to your lifestyle. Avoiding hot tubs and saunas helps since testicles function best at temperatures just a few degrees cooler than body temperature. For this reason, men who are trying to conceive may want to avoid wearing tight clothing and underwear. In fact, going commando is advisable in this situation.
#5: Seek Fertility Help When You Need It
Six out of 10 healthy couples at prime childbearing age get pregnant within the first three months of trying. However, if you and your partner have not conceived after three months, there is no need to panic. Spend the next couple of months trying the tips listed here, and if you still have not conceived after six months, consult a fertility specialist. Bear in mind that the older you are, the more difficult it might be for you to conceive. At the age of 40, egg health declines and your ovaries may not release an egg like clockwork each month. Thus, if you are older than 40, speak to your gynecologist before trying to conceive. On the other hand, if you are 30 or younger, remember that it may take up to a year to conceive, even if you and your partner are perfectly healthy. Conception, pregnancy and childbirth are some of the most exciting times in anyone’s life. Although you may be in a hurry to welcome your new addition to your family, remember that nature must take its course and it will happen when the time is right.