A biological miracle takes place when it comes to the male reproductive system: a healthy man produces an estimated 400,000,000,000 sperm in the course of his lifetime, each with a maturity time of approximately ten to twelve weeks, each of which will survive only about one month. All of this for the possibility of approximately ten minutes of contact with the woman’s egg! Each sperm transports its genetic material in the front of its ‘head’. A bundle of mitochondria in its tail produces the energy necessary to determine the movement of the cell. With whip-like oscillations the cell moves about three millimeters per minute through the uterus. Altogether it is viable for 24 to 72 hours in the female genital tract.
Phytonutrients, healing plants and other substances can increase the motility, vitality and number of sperm and can ensure higher quality of sperm cells. Nutritional supplementation according to chronobiological standards positively impacts sperm production in every case and supports the three criteria of healthy sperm – volume, form and mobility – equally. The maturing phase of sperm needs to be accompanied by a high quality supply of nutrients. Individual plants serve to strengthen libido and hormone production, enzymes increase immune defense and vitamin-like amino acid active ingredients ensure improved sperm motility. To obtain the best possible success, nutritional supplementing must take into account the chronobiological standards for administration of the substances at the correct time of day. Active ingredients administered in the morning support sperm maturation and heighten motility and evening substances increase male testosterone.

Contains vitamin C: citrus fruit, rose hip, sweet peppers, broccoli, strawberries, kiwis, black currants, potatoes, liver, kidney
Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that’s an indispensable factor in the production of many substances that are essential to the human body. In the aqueous body structures, it is the most important free-radical inhibitor, helping to protect tissue structures, cell membranes, cell components, and genetic information from oxidative damage. Healthy semen typically contains high levels of vitamin C.

Contains vitamin E: soybeans, vegetable oils, sweet peppers, spinach, asparagus, nuts, eggs
Vitamin E (tocopherol) is the most important fat antioxidant with a highly-protective effect on the fatty components of cell membranes and on blood lipids. In this regard, it is especially important for the brain, the immune system and the reproductive system.

Contains vitamin B6: meat, fish, yeast, potatoes, milk, cheese, egg-yolk
The different water-soluble substances that are part of the vitamin B-complex act as co-enzymes to fulfill protective functions related to cognitive abilities, nervous system functioning, the production of energy, and the processes of regeneration and detoxification. B-vitamins play key roles in balancing the endocrine system, especially before and during procreation. Vitamin B6 is necessary for the production of the mood hormone serotonin and other neurotransmitters. Vitamin B6 is most effective when taken in the morning. Inositol (B8) contributes to the maturation of sperm.

Contains vitamin K: green vegetables, cabbage family vegetables, potatoes, tomatoes, liver, meat, fish, milk
Vitamin K is necessary for the formation of several clotting factors in the liver, and possibly protects against insulin resistance, while also promoting healthy bones.

Contains vitamin D: fish (eel, salmon), cod-liver oil, veal, egg-yolk, milk, butter, avocados
Vitamin D-levels are positively related to increased sperm motility and a healthy sperm cell structure. As recently as 2006, a special docking point for this vitamin was discovered on the surface of the sperm cell. A Vitamin D deficiency is regarded as a serious contributing factor to sperm degradation. In animal experiments, the fertility of male rats who were deficient in vitamin D was reduced by 45 percent. In the laboratory, vitamin D supplementation enhances certain activities of human sperm cells, such as their ability to adhere to the egg cell.

Contains vitamin A: butter, eggs, milk, milk products, liver, tuna and fish oil
Vitamin A is the most important vitamin for development and growth, whose benefits are outwardly expressed through an improvement in skin conditions such as psoriasis and acne. The most important target organ for this vitamin is the thymus gland, the mother gland of the immune system.

Contains calcium: milk and milk products (hard cheese) as well as kale, broccoli, spinach, wholegrain cereals, legumes
Calcium like that found along with dozens of additional trace elements in the patented mineral-mix Coral Calcium®provides the crucial “kick” the sperm cell needs in its final seconds at its goal, during which it must overcome the outside layer of the egg cell. Calcium activates a special reproductive gene, a mechanism that, when blocked in animal studies, causes the mice to become infertile. A good calcium blend also helps balance the body’s pH – and the more balanced the body’s pH, the better it is able to absorb other active substances.

Contains Selenium: fish, meat, liver, seafood, milk, whole grains, eggs, nuts, mushrooms, brewer’s yeast
Other important minerals and trace elements like iodine, selenium, boron, chromium and molybdenum support the effectiveness of amino acids and enzymes. An interesting fact: selenium actually helps to improve the motility of sperm cells! These substances have a high effect particularly for the daily activities in the organism.

Contains L-carnitine: milk products and meat, avocados and asparagus
The amino acid L-carnitine supports the metabolism of fatty acids into energy within the sperm cell. Studies prove that L-carnitine – obtained from the meat of cattle, pigs and chickens, and/or from avocados and asparagus – increases the energy and vitality of sperm. With L-carnitine, better results have also been obtained on endurance tests. Improper nutrition commonly leads to a deficiency in this vital amino acid.

Contains L-arginine: hazelnuts, peanuts, cereal products, meat, fish, eggs and milk
L-arginine supports the effects of L-carnitine, while also serving as a sexual-enhancement supplement for men. As a precursor to nitric oxide (NO), L-arginine is directly involved in the mechanism responsible for the male erection.

Muira puama, this powder is obtained by grinding the “power” plant
Muira puama is a tree with stone-like fruits that’s well-known in Brazil as a “power” plant. Muira puama extract promotes healthy testosterone production, supports a healthy erection, and increases sexual desire.

Damiana is a small, often multi-branched bush
Damiana, also a natural aphrodisiac from South America, enhances the body’s energy supply even beyond the sexual organs. Damiana also promotes a healthy, balanced mood.

Contains co-enzyme Q10: beef, chicken, mutton, lamb, fish and eggs
CO-enzyme Q10 is a vitally-necessary component in the cellular power stations of the sperm, with properties that help maintain healthy circulation and organ function. It has also been shown that this fat-soluble antioxidant helps enhance sperm quality and vitality.

Contains choline: egg-yolk (highest content), cereals, soybeans, vegetables and nuts
Choline promotes the healthy functioning of neurotransmitters by protecting the nerve cells from environmental poisons, helping to maintain healthy mental functioning.

Contains carotenoids: carrots, tomatoes, sweet peppers, lettuce, spinach, broccoli and mangoes.
Carotenoids are considered very potent free-radical inhibitors: both lycopene and beta-carotene are especially highly-recommended for protecting sperm cells from free radicals. In particular, these carotenoids are known to help neutralize certain toxins found in cigarette smoke and environmental chemicals. Additionally, carotenoids help prevent the breakdown of the information paths through which the body’s tissues communicate.
Citrus bioflavonoids are potent antioxidants and help improve the absorption of vitamins and other active substances, increasing their bioavailability.

Contains biotin: brewer’s yeast, liver, soybeans, nuts, oatmeal, lentils, wheat, barley, bananas, milk , egg-yolk.
Water-soluble substances of the vitamin B-complex – B1, B2, B12, pantothenic acid, biotin, and niacinamide – help support the body’s recovery and regeneration during the night. Here’s an interesting fact: folic acid promotes healthy blood cells and helps maintain normal cell growth in the male reproductive system. PABA (vitamin B10) supports the functions of folic acid (brain) and pantothenic acid (stress-regulator).

Contains iron: meat, liver, oatmeal, lentils, cabbage, whole wheat bread, egg yolk, onions and bananas.
Other important minerals and trace elements such as copper, zinc, iron and potassium support the effectiveness of amino acids and enzymes during the night. Fact: zinc has been shown to measurably increase the number of sperm cells.

Contains L-glutathione: fresh vegetables (broccoli, zucchini, spinach, asparagus, tomatoes), fruits and meat
L-glutathione derived from three amino acids, strengthens the detoxification ability of the liver. In a double-blind trial involving infertile men, this highly-active antioxidant significantly improved sperm count and sperm motility.

Maca originates from Peru and has been cultivated in the Andes for 2000 years
Macaplex® is a potentized extract of maca, a root used by the members of the Inca royal families to increase sexual energy, stamina and desire. The patented maca extract Macaplex® also provides a variety of minerals, essential amino acids, and trace elements, working to help boost libido while also helping to maintain healthy hormonal balance. Healthy hormonal balance is of primary importance for the maturation of healthy sperm.

Tribulus terrestris, also called caltrop or puncturevine, is found in tropical and subtropical countries
Tribulus is a non-hormonal food supplement extracted from the herb tribulus terrestris. In the last 20 years, both human and animal studies have proven that tribulus supports an increase in the production of luteinizing hormone (LH) by up to 72 percent. Luteinizing hormone is important because it signals the body to release testosterone into the bloodstream (in studies, as much as 42 percent more), thereby supporting an increase in sperm production.

Ginger contains: gingerol (pungency), shogaol, zingerone as well as vitamin C, magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus
Ginger is an herb that both promotes relaxation and helps promote healthy sperm count. This healthy circulation-promoting plant with a sharply aromatic signature caused by the chemical gingerol promotes healthy testosterone levels while also supporting the normalizing effects of the body’s stress hormones. In men, it helps support healthy sperm count and motility, while also boosting libido.

Ginseng increases libido and relieves potency problems.
With its medicinal powers, the ginseng plant stimulates testosterone levels and supports the normalizing effects of stress hormones from the adrenal glands. With regard to male subfertility, it improves the number and motility of sperm, while at the same tim increasing the libido and relieving potency problems.

Sarsaparilla (smilax extract), also called greenbrier, a tendril-like, evergreen bush
Sarsaparilla (Smilax excerpt) boosts energy with the hormonal-balancing properties of its saponins, and is also known as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial aphrodisiac in various folk medicines.

Contains resveratrol: especially grapes, raspberries, mulberries, plums, peanuts
Resveratrol is a natural, highly-effective antioxidant found in red wine, which due to its ability to support healthy blood vessels, can help support a healthy erection and healthy sperm count. It also helps protect against cellular inflammation, helping to maintain the blood vessels’ structures and the muscle tissue of the penis. Like L-glutathione, this polyphenol also protects against oxidative stress and helps promote healthy nitric oxide levels, which supports normal blood vessel dilation for proper blood flow. In animal experiments, diabetic rats who were given Resveratrol exhibited an increase in erectile function, sexual interest and sexual satisfaction. Additionally, the number of the sperm was measurably increased. Other important radical scavengers are catechins, OPC and quercetine.

Omega-3 fatty acids: in fish as well as in fish oils obtained from mackerel, salmon, sardines, tuna and herring, and in algae
Omega 3-fatty acids are indispensable when it comes to the formation of nerve cells, and are also an important component of cell walls. Aside from their structural importance, Omega3- fatty acids help support healthy blood flow, thus helping to maintain blood pressure and cholesterol levels within normal ranges, both of which are extremely important for a healthy cardiovascular system. Two of the most important essential fatty acids are DHA, docosahexaenoic acid, and EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid.

Contains pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ): spinach, beans, celery, kiwis, parsley, potatoes and mother’s milk
Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) is an extremely anti-oxidative enzyme found in many foods (spinach, green pepper, parsley, green tea, potato, natto) with vitamin B characteristics, and was classified in 2003 as the first new vitamin since 1948 by the scientific magazine “Nature”. Animal experiments involving mice and rats showed that nutrition lacking PQQ results in disturbances in reproductive ability, development, and immune defense.

Important mineral for sperm production and maturation
Magnesium has many functions in the human body. It supports the effectiveness of amino acids and enzymes. As an essential mineral it is effective around the clock. Magnesium is mainly important for sperm production and maturation.

Piperine is the main alkaloid in black pepper
®Coral Calcium and ®Bioperine increase the bioabailability of nearly all active substances and are effective around the clock.
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