Essential oils are liquid extracts taken from numerous naturally-occurring herbs, flowers and plants. Many of these products contain health-benefitting properties.
Do-it-yourself, or DIY, fertility-boosting essential oil can have a significant effect on both a man’s and a woman’s ability to conceive a child.
Health Benefits of Essential Oils
Many essential oils are said to possess soothing and medicinal properties that may alleviate medical conditions including high blood pressure, anxiety, depression, cognitive struggles, aged skin and inflammation accumulation, which often precipitates physical injuries and could eventually elicit numerous potentially serious illnesses such as diabetes, autoimmune problems and various kinds of cancer.
Several essential oils are also noted for their ability to promote fertility for several reasons including the following:
- Libido-Boosting Properties – Certain essential oils contain chemicals known for increasing the sex drive in both men and women.
- Antioxidant Abundance – Several essential oils contain elevated quantities of nutrients known as antioxidants. These substances are noted for their inflammation-fighting capabilities. Serious inflammation buildup can also precipitate damage to male and female sexual organs.
- Hormonal Regulation – Specific essential oils are believed to regulate bodily concentrations of sexual and reproductive hormones. These imbalances can precipitate countless infertility-inducing ailments.
- Menstrual Cycles Regulation – Ingestion of certain essential oils has been linked to normal menstrual cycles. Irregular periods often contribute to female fertility issues.
- Increased Sperm Quantity and Quality – Men who use some essential oils might witness an increased sperm count. Additionally, these products have been known to improve the strength, shape and quality of these conception-essential organisms.
DIY Fertility-Boosting Essential Oil Combinations
While many essential oils may elicit fertility-enhancing benefits, the products might perform the task with greater authority when used in combination. Oils can be used in a variety of products that can be absorbed into the skin such as soaps and skin products, edible products like teas or products that can inhaled through a process known as aromatherapy.
Individuals can prepare fertility-boosting essential oil preparations on their own. However, proper execution requires following certain important steps including the following:
- Dispersion – Once the dilution process is complete, the user must then determine the method of dispersing the blended products.
Typical methods include the following:
- Aromatherapy – The oil blend is placed into a device called a diffuser, which morphs the liquid into mist that permeates the air and can be inhaled.
- Internal – The oil blends are combined with water to make drinkable products like tea.
- Topical – Using a device known as a rollerball, an individual could apply the liquefied product directly onto his or her skin, preferably on specific bodily pressure points like the wrists.
Specific Blend Recipes and Steps
Certain essential oil blends are noted for addressing specific fertility issues.
- Hormone Regulation – Fertility experts recommend obtaining a rollerball and dipping it in a blend containing two drops of frankincense and lavender oil and one drop of peppermint and clary sage oil, mixing it with fractionated coconut oil and applying the concoction to the skin.
- Menstrual Cycle Regulation – Reproductive professionals suggest using a rollerball and dousing the device into a preparation consisting of two drops of lavender and geranium oils, one drop of rose, Ylang Ylang and clary sage oils before mixing with any suitable carrier substance and applying it to the recipient’s skin.
- Male Fertility – Men yearning to enhance their fertility levels are recommended to combine a concoction containing two drops of frankincense and clary sage oils, one drop of Ylang Ylang and cypress with the carrier oil of their choice and apply with a rollerball to various portions of their skin.