There are many things that can impact your fertility. Studies show that your pancreatic health might have an influence on fertility.
Pancreas Function
The pancreas is a small organ situated within the abdominal cavity. The bodily structure produces important systemic substances: hormones and digestive juices that help aid other organs in the breaking down of food into nutrients needed to produce energy and perform other pertinent functions.
Pancreatic Effect on Fertility
If the pancreas is not functioning properly, the body may experience significant difficulty receiving nourishment. Proper nutrition contributes to providing optimal energy to both the male and female reproductive systems.
Among the pancreas’s chief functions is the creation and synthesis of the digestive hormone insulin. Improper metabolism of insulin can result in elevated concentrations of blood sugar (glucose), which can develop into diabetes over time.
Pancreatic Illnesses That May Contribute to Infertility
There are several illnesses linked to the pancreas or pancreatic function that are thought to contribute to male and female fertility problems. These include the following:
Diabetes – Diabetes could increase a woman’s risk of contracting several fertility-threatening illnesses, including polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), irregular menstrual cycles, as well as early-onset menopause, a life event that typically causes the reproductive systems of middle-aged women to cease production of sexual and reproductive hormones. Researchers opine that diabetes could hinder men’s fertility by damaging sperm motility and altering the sperm’s DNA.
- Pancreatitis – Acute inflammation of the organ, which can be a serious medical emergency, might be directly linked to hormone therapy used to remedy infertility. Researchers have found that numerous preparations containing estrogen might increase an individual’s risk of developing this disorder.
In certain instances, women with various medical issues precipitating low levels of estrogen and other reproductive hormones might consider employing hormone-replacement therapy (HRT) as a potential solution. Healthcare professionals caution women to consider the possible effect on the pancreas and promptly notify their doctors if they experience any alarming abdominal manifestations like pain, nausea, weight loss or diminished appetite.
Achieving and Maintaining Pancreatic Health
One method of potentially avoiding pancreatic-based illnesses and any associated fertility struggles is to engage in actions geared towards preserving the organ:
- Consume a Well-Balanced Diet – Physicians and nutritionists opine that optimal pancreas health might be achieved by adhering to a diet high in produce and whole grains.
- Engage in Physical Activity – Exercise is vital to hormone regulation, as well as healthy weight maintenance. However, those interested in conceiving should not partake in any fitness program that might cause rapid weight loss, as it could prove detrimental to both male and female physical and reproductive health.
- Limit or Eliminate Alcohol Consumption – Excessive intake of alcoholic beverages is thought to increase one’s risk of developing pancreatitis.
- Exercise Caution When Using Hormones – Hormonal therapy might increase one’s chances of developing pancreatitis.
- Address Existing Health Problems – Diabetic individuals yearning to conceive are encouraged to use extra vigilance in controlling the condition. They should consider having frequent medical evaluations and strictly adhere to the specific treatment plans their doctors have prescribed.