While not being able to conceive for a lengthy period of time might not necessarily indicate a problem when it comes to fertility, there are numerous signs that you should be on the lookout for when trying to conceive that may indicate a further issue. If you’re unable to get pregnant after a period of six months of unprotected sex, it’s likely that one or more of the following may be an indication that an underlying fertility issue could be affecting you or your partner.
While there are a slew of reasons that could be affecting your inability to conceive, here are 10 signs that a more complex issue may be to blame for your inability to conceive.
1. Periods That Are Irregular or Have Ceased Altogether
One of the largest indicators of a fertility complication in a woman is an irregular or entirely absent period. Several components of the body need to be working correctly in order for regular periods to remain consistent. When the periods start becoming irregular or don’t show up altogether, this is a sign that a hormonal imbalance is present. This indicates that you’re unable to produce an egg as regularly as you should. While this can also be a sign of several other conditions, it may be the answer you’re searching for if you’re unable to conceive.
2. Painful Periods
Another common fertility complication occurs when your period becomes overly painful. This might mean that you’re suffering from a disorder known as endometriosis, a disease in which the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterine cavity. While the exact cause of this gynecological disorder is still unknown, it has been heavily associated with infertility.
3. Loss or Substantial Reduction in Libido
With around two out of every five couples attempting to conceive, the man is the primary source or one of the sources of the infertility issues. A severe loss of libido indicates that infertility may be present. Additional issues with sexual functions that could mean the same thing include an inability to keep an erection, swelling around the testicles or issues with ejaculation.
4. Weight Problems
Weight problems can also lead to infertility issues. In women, the result of heavy under or overweight is an imbalance in hormone levels, which can lead to menstrual disorders. In men, this can lead to problems with potency.
If you’ve become too thin or too overweight, infertility can be a very real problem until your weight becomes more balanced. It’s important that you maintain a healthy diet in order to boost the chances of conception.
5. Aging
One of the most common complications that show up when a couple is attempting to conceive is that of a simple age issue. Women that are older than the age of 35 have an increased chance of being infertile. Female fertility reaches its climax in the early 20s and, according to the latest findings, begins to decline around the age of 30 and more significantly declines after the age of 35. By this age, the amount of follicles which the female body was endowed with at birth has shrunk to only 12 percent, and his amount further decreases to somewhat over three percent at the age of 40. Additionally, as her body ages, the quality of her eggs tends to decline. The odds of becoming pregnant during a single cycle drops from 20 percent at the age of 30 to a mere five percent at the age of 40. Women under age 35 should seek medical advice after 12 months of unsuccessful attempts at pregnancy. For women over age 35, advice should be sought after only six months of unsuccessful attempts.
6. Development of Acne
A sudden development of adult acne can be a clear sign of infertility. The reason for this is that acne can be created when a hormonal imbalance occurs. This might mean that you suffer from a disease known as polycystic ovarian syndrome. If you notice a lot of acne, see your doctor immediately.
7. Hair Loss
8. STD Problems
The presence of an STD in you or your partner can be a huge problem when it comes to the chances of conceiving. Both gonorrhea and chlamydia create symptoms that can directly affect the fallopian tubes. This makes pregnancy difficult to achieve.
9. Sex Has Become Painful
A common fertility complication occurs when sex has become painful. This could be due to dryness. In some cases, vaginal dryness is caused by a distinct lack of estrogen. This is a sign that getting pregnant will be more difficult.
10. Deficiency of Vitamin D
All vitamins are important to a person’s overall health, however, Vitamin D is specifically linked to pregnancy. It’s believed that getting ample amounts of Vitamin D assists both men and women with fertility. As such, it can be assumed that a lack of Vitamin D may cause infertility. In men, this improves the quality of sperm. High vitamin D levels in women results in an increase of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. Therefore, scientists recommend couples with fertility problems spend time in the sun because humans make about 90 percent of their vitamin D naturally through sun exposure on the skin.
While there are many simple and complex reasons for infertility issues to arise in individuals, being aware of some of the signs of infertility can give you an indication of whether there is something bigger going on when it comes to your inability to conceive.